If you want to hear me rambling...

Saturday, December 29, 2012

The girl you love is alone in the night crying and contemplating suicide and there's nothing you can do for her

it tears you apart

Friday, December 28, 2012

"You will fall in love with your friends. Deep, passionate love. You will create a second family with them, a kind of tribe that makes you feel less vulnerable. Sometimes our families can’t love us all the time. Sometimes we’re born into families who don’t know how to love us properly. They do as much as they can but the rest is up to our friends. They can love you all the time, without judgement. At least the good ones can."
          --The People You Will Fall In Love With In Your Twenties, Ryan O’Connell

Monday, December 24, 2012

Selfish needy perfectionist annoying doesn't know truths doesn't speak her mind always so hidden you can't see a speck of light she emits

but loves me still?

Saturday, December 22, 2012

I don't think I'll last another year like this
So lonely she can't stand people

Monday, December 17, 2012

"I am making meaning with my life."
Dr Tiff Holland
Pass out in the morning then two panic attacks later super fun day it was
then another cut, this one on my wrist. Bandaid bandaid

Wavering Steady

You'll never know,
when I come or go,
but I'm here to stay,
I'm here to stay

Sunday, December 16, 2012

I passed out again...on a stack of hangers. It hurts...it's never been this bad before

Friday, December 7, 2012


How can you call me the perfect girl for you when I'm not perfect at all not to you  not to anyone.

I need to change who I am.

I made people mean nothing because that was easier than actually having them mean something. Easier to eliminate them in my mind, slaughter them from my consciousness. It was meant to protect myself from them leaving. Because everyone always leaves. I need to try harder to keep them close.
I'm sorry that I'm crying about stupid things insignificant things things that are nothing compared to well everyone else. The things that upset me shouldn't sorry sorry I'm not supposed to be sad my life is perfect heading on the straight path towards destruction.


I've been dragging him down again pulling him back into sadness drenching him with my depression

How do I undo that? How do I stop?
I don't walk elegantly
selfish inconsiderate thoughtless
I am selfish I am selfish I am selfish I am selfish I am selfish I am selfish I am selfish I am selfish I am selfish I am selfish I am selfish I am thoughtless


No one likes the perfect girl with the perfect life who still isn't satisfied with anything.
There is no justification for her sadness.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


You aren't enough for me by yourself, so I need at least one more person in addition to you. And it must be a girl. I like girls. Especially a specific girl that isn't you...

You keep making that face and I just can't do it anymore you're no good I'll have to find my pleasure elsewhere...

You're too needy I can't always be there for you. It's annoying.

I've decided I like her more than you. She has all the things I ever looked for in a girl, all the things that you don't have. 

You weren't the girl I thought you to be. I don't see you as a person anymore. Sorry, I don't think I can carry on like this...

You aren't as smart as I gave you credit for; so boring. 

You're disgusting. Repulsive. Go away. I never want to see you again.

I'm worthless...not good enough for you. Goodbye.


But embracing malice doesn't sound as nice as sadistic, now does it?

Monday, December 3, 2012

I listen to voices that cannot speak
and talk to boys that cannot listen

Friday, November 30, 2012

I'm going to look up suicide stories tonight
An endless nightmare

Thursday, November 29, 2012

I starve myself far too often.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I deserve no confidence.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

As you turn to go he reaches out and holds you close, just one last moment before you go, one breath then a smile and depart

I love you. 
I will never let you go.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Going through the motions of loving me is so easy isn't it isn't it
You don't trust me after all
and with good reason

Monday, November 12, 2012


I've always been so smart, smarter than most of the other children in school. But as the years go by everyone surpasses me in intelligence, and I struggle to retain my status as "smart". But I am no longer the smart one, the intelligent one, the girl who knows what she is doing. It's hard for me, as I never used to have to try, and now must put forth so much effort for the simplest of concepts. And I screw myself over constantly because I think that I can master the material by absorbing the information presented in class but now that isn't enough and I don't want to admit it until it's too late, half the semester's gone by and I have no idea what I am doing. I try to catch up but there's just a mountain of information I must master on my own and looking at the most current things with my mind turning up blank intimidates me further. I create a huge obstacle for myself, so large that I have no choice but to deal with it but have no means to. It's too large of an issue for me by myself to handle. And to ask for help would be admitting to both myself and others that I alone have failed, that I am not handling things in the slightest on my own, that I created this huge problem for myself. It's all my fault and because of my inadequacies and bad habits that all of this is happening. And I don't want to tell other people that. Admit that to anyone else. Because they'd judge. Look down on me. As they should.

Sunday, November 11, 2012


I'm planning an ultimatum.
And I'm not giving you a choice.

because I always need a trump card.

Sunday, November 4, 2012


Love is about letting it grow
Letting go of all those restrictions placed upon your heart by the former cruelty of man
Growing fond of each and every quirk
                                          every difference
                                            every oddity

until there is no remaining part
that has escaped the wide arc of your heart

Friday, November 2, 2012


No one understands how hysterical I am
or how hysterical I can become

Breathe, Bianca, Breathe

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

I am nothing but dust on the pavement, drifting in the wind
Starting the day off with a jar full of tears
and it never getting better throughout all of the years

Monday, October 22, 2012

Not Me

You get a text from your girlfriend. One of many. Usually, the little tone of her saying hey listen lightens your heart and makes you smile. But the taste of her texts is anything but bright. Stress had collided with you both since this afternoon's parting, and the texts are fraught with anguish.
Still, your heart can't help but flutter as you pick up your phone from beside you on the bed and read the latest text.
Your heart falls deep into your chest. She's crying. Your precious girl is upset and you're nowhere nearby to make her smile. This injustice frantically spurns you to action. Then you're off, a knight in shining clanking armor, on a quest to save the princess.

She cries a lot. You can't really stop her sadness, but you try best you can to make her smile, at least. Her words go so fast and her voice breaks so often, you can almost taste the desperate truth in her uttered confessions. She wants to share, wants to let you deep inside her heart so that she can be understood. All she wants is to be understood.
A car ride ends with kisses and laughter, though through her smile you can still see the tears. The two of you enter the house together, she pausing at the crossroads and staring at the foreign activity of a household unwelcome to her. A fear of distaste in her eyes, lingering fragments from the meltdown en route to this point, freezes her in place as she tries to smile and say hello. Her voice shakes. You command her to the bedroom (safe haven), and she follows at your touch.
Her body, her heart, is shaky. Her breaths are uneven. Nothing about her seems stable, but you are near. She cries some more, and you wipe her tears away and kiss her again. She loves it when you wipe her tears away and kiss her again.

You go to leave, on a quick errand for her, and her fingers desperately pull you closer, her eyes still wet with past tears as her voice breaks beneath the frantic plea of please don't go. You stay.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Misplaced Dreams

When I was in high school, there was so much possibility for the future. It didn't matter if I slipped up here and there with grades in high school. Once I got to college, it all started over and was disregarded. The future seemed impossibly bright.

Back then, I had three paths I wanted to take once I entered college. Computer programming, astronomy, or psychology. I decided to explore these best I could before entering the linear path of college, where every class you took was aimed towards your specific major. I took Netweb Design, Astronomy, AP Psychology. Loved all of them.
Lingering in the back of my mind was always writing. But I've always been told not to major in such a thing, for in reality it gets you nowhere.

Based on the majors I wanted to love, I chose schools excellent for them. I dreamt of going to Stanford, majoring in psychology, getting a masters in it, learning all there is to know about the human psych. A topic that I'd loved going through in high school, loved learning all the little bits and pieces about over that year of AP Psychology. And still I find the human psyche incredibly fascinating and would love to study more about it, learn more, discover more, understand more...
Neumont is my tech dream school. All the way in Utah. Definitely colder than Texas. And definitely much more expensive than any college in Texas. But it looks so wonderful and it's everything that I'd ever want in a college and I really want to go there I have a huge poster on my wall from there and everything I got cool mail from them asked them to send me cool things yet still alas not going there never going there too far too expensive too much no.

As for Astronomy...that's always been a passive interest of mine. Like writing. Yet a bit more directionless. Because what would I do? How would I make money? Would I enjoy it? I just don't know. I have no idea. So I'll keep taking astronomy courses (Stellar Astronomy!) trying to explore knowledge and possibilities. But probably not going in that directionless direction...mmmm.

Another reason that I'll never accomplish any of my initial dreams is that I fucked up. Big time. I failed to get perfect grades. Actually failed one course. So now no school will ever want me. It's what everyone tells me. And financial aid will rebel against me if this keeps up, and then I'll have nothing. No funds, no future, nothing. 

The only solution? Fuck college get a job. 
Yet I so don't want to.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Hope Hurts

It's funny how different a day can feel when it goes not at all like expected

like, when you expect to be sitting alone all day and suddenly your boyfriend shows up and joins you, it's a pleasant, brightening surprise

but when you expect to spend morning and afternoon into the evening with him and don't, then, it's a bit more lonely, more

at least I have internet and music

and people to try and cheer me up? isn't that nice. 
scowling little me. I'll pretend it's school and move on. Please leave me alone. Please don't.


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Discord Among Friends

It's always the hardest thing to deal with, when your friends don't like each other. Because then you feel like you should keep them apart, distance them from each other so their feelings of dislike do not grow. But you can't always accomplish that. So a tension grows in your heart. Trying to hide people from people, but everyone knows you can't hide people. People are too significant. 

The worst kind of discord is one within something that was supposed to be so solid. So certain, so sure, the one thing that was supposed to remain constant over the years. 
But, as it seems, nothing ever does remain constant. It always fluctuates.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Growing Gap

I've created a distance between us
by spending so much time with him
I feared it'd be like this
and he doesn't understand

Monday, September 24, 2012


God, there's tears on my keyboard.

The Jon's no longer a part of SPG. They'll never be the same. And I missed out on their last performance together. I should have gone. I should have gone, no matter what.

Everything's ruined.

Memoir of Fear

I used to be afraid of hate. Of it growing in those I love until it blocked me out entirely. Then it became something more than a darkness haunting the edges of my dreams. It became reality.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Confession: I haven't been dealing.

Why would a mother call the cops on her own child? And lie about the situation into more extremes, even though nothing was going to actually fucking happen? Why the hell would she do that? Does she even know how scarring that can be? And then carry on like nothing fucking happened...leaving you to deal with it all by yourself. Why the fuck would she do that?

What do you do when you're the only person in the world that cares about someone? When not even their family gives a damn?

And on and on and fucking on.
Vague, stupid me. Going to idiots. 
Because I have to.  

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Without Worth

My parents make me feel worthless.

I wonder if they realize?


I'd rather no one know precisely what it is I am capable of
so that I can always catch them by surprise
off guard
with no room or time to

Sunday, September 16, 2012


They want us to be able to live independently, to hold so much responsibility, yet at each step towards freedom they tighten the cage. Deny opportunities that will progress us forward, keep us contained in the space where we can do naught. Inhibit our growth, take away progress, load us up only on hindrances, and slowly suffocate us with the safety of unproductivity. Of home.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Dawning Realization

There's that moment
where your tear-streaked eyes look into his
and suddenly he realizes
suddenly it all becomes so clear,
the absurd amount of grief in your heart
and he the reason

You can see the horrible realization so clearly in his eyes
that you cannot bear it, and turn away

Thursday, August 30, 2012

I just

I just want all my friends to like each other and I don't want everything to fall apart and I want everything to work out just fine
and I want people to like me and be my friend so I won't be alone but at the same time I could care less about people people don't matter but you can't always be with me and I hate to be alone I hate to be alone I hate to be alone

Saturday, August 25, 2012

You make me so sad my heart hurts

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Too Much

I just can't do this anymore nothing is working really what's the point of having friends no one understands how much I need them and then it's such a challenge such a stress to bring them all together with such a definite deadline why even try anymore I can't do it I can't do it I can't
A caged bird will only yearn for the open skies denied it.

Saturday, August 4, 2012


I'm only good for whatever
and it hurts

inadequate me can't change a thing
can't help anyone
can't make anyone happy

not at all

Monday, July 30, 2012


I'm too fragile for this.


a horrible stirring surrounded my heart and started moving in a most awful direction of tears

I didn't want to let it out, let it grow
but I had no will to suppress it either
tears started fighting their way out
and I started wiping them away

and you just sat there
trying not to look at me
as I sat trying not to look at you
because it hurt to look at you
it hurt
to see your unfazed face unbothered by anything even me


You make me feel so lonely sometimes

You have the potential to make or break me
and so often
I sit there, letting the feelings fester inside me, around my heart, leaving it hollow with its stirrings
but I never want to say anything
I don't want to seem pathetic, or needy or
and sometimes I just want you near
without prompting

some kind of proof of affection

your words hurt more than you know
already tired of me
and so the song repeats
and you won't understand

I keep screwing up, reversing things
shattering trust
making you afraid of me and the things I can do, the things I can break
I don't want to stop being a human in your eyes
I don't want
to lose you

and I can't solve this loneliness
because it isn't fair to you
I'm such a temptress
I should want nothing

something broke inside me today

Monday, July 23, 2012


Lying in your arms
nustled against you
was the most wonderful undeserved

Sunday, July 22, 2012


If I can't make you matter
or make you feel like you matter
why should I matter at all?
what good am I?

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Naturally, everyone leaves.

There is no alternative.
My god, I'm killing him.

Why would you?

Why would you like me?
I'm absolute shit.

Never there for you when you need me, always making things difficult, never telling you things or relying on you nearly enough
I'm a fucking zombie who can't feel emotions right, and when I do feel them, I can't identify them in words, much less tell you about them or express them properly.
I feel trapped by the littlest of things
I'm not fair in the slightest. Not at all.
I lock up into silence and you can't unlock me
You can pressure me into anything, and I may or may not hate me for it later
You can't even fuck me, and I'm gross in a multitude of ways, from my head down to my toes. Oh all the ways I can repulse a man. I've got a list in my head. A list of why I'm atrocious. And I know you hate me already. All this needs is a little push, and my world is destroyed.

Because I'm a horrible person, and I deserve it.
You even said so.

Lonely, Aren't You?

You're just dating me because you're lonely.

You aren't letting go because you know there's no one else to hold on to.

There's nothing particularly special about me except for the fact that I like you and care about you and am there for you to the best of my abilities. You put up with my shit and with me because you know I won't leave or abandon you.
But I'm still expecting you to leave me any day now. You're so dissatisfied.
Yet I know you won't because I'm your guaranteed, easy option.

You hate me, you said so. So many times now.
So why won't you go?

Cannot Undo

There is no taking back the words
that feed my perfect nightmare

you see,
I can convince myself
that anyone hates me

it especially helps
when you let me know
that I was right

Songs of Slashing, 1 2 3

To destroy:
  1. Never There - Cake
  2. Because Of You - Kelly Clarkson
  3. Freaking Me Out - Simple Plan
  4. According To You - Orianthi
Each song, each lyric, cut into me; emphasized my shortcomings and wrongdoings.

The month I was gone in Puerto Rico, failing to be with you, to be there for you, to be your supporting rock. Failing you repeatedly. Leaving you with so many doubts, so little solaces.

The night in the rain filled with mistakes; the trust I fear will never be right again. So many things I fear will never be right again.

I keep making mistakes, creating more and more doubts in your mind when all I want to do is make you happy. I'm being unfair; I'm being selfish. I'm not being nice to you in the slightest. I keep asking for selfish things and giving nothing of the like in return. I see no pleasure your pleasure. It doesn't make sense to me. None of this does. It feels all backwards. Weird. Odd. Strange.

I hate it when you're upset. About anything. Especially trivial things that don't matter or really seem the way you say they are. I hate it when you argue with your brother. In that harsh there is no other way or answer sort of tone. Trying to make your point matter when really it doesn't; when the point should be ignored and brushed off.

I hate it when they argue.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

I don't understand

I can't comprehend
how someone can find pleasure
in someone else's

I'm unfair unjustified selfish one-sided
and I should just
keep it to myself
take little actions on it
and never tell


Monday, June 11, 2012

You've given me all the pieces
to put my perfect nightmare together

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Why would I blame you?

It's always my fault.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Malnourished underfed sleep-deprived anaemic unfit uncoordinated weak-ankled girl injures herself. Of course. It's the only logical conclusion.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Alone, Distance

I am going to be so alone in Puerto Rico
with little ways of reaching out
little ways of killing that monster inside

Friday, May 18, 2012

I'm sorry that we can't all be fucking sunshines and rainbows like you

so sorry

Thursday, May 17, 2012

I Hate People

You can't really have faith in people
and you just have to sit there and doubt them
really, it's required
otherwise you'll just be disappointed
and still you'll have those occasional leaps of faith
only to be disappointed yet again
in people you never want to see again

That trip you promised?
Those replacement cards you promised since you FUCKING RUINED MY DECK?

yeah. Thanks for not following through on your word. Thanks a fucking lot.
You don't realize this but
you're in all my dreams

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


I want to be wonderful
but terrible

Sunday, May 13, 2012


This should not
set me off
something so trivial
should not send me into a
hysterical sobbing mess

making me feel things
feel em strong

Saturday, May 12, 2012


It's what makes the world go round
and I have none of it
no way of obtaining more
just occasionally a bit of funds for food

it makes me feel powerless
because honestly there's nothing I can do
(but starve, really)

and, honestly
it still bothers me
that you didn't buy me a birthday present this year
at all.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

And the prospect of leaving
is all that more appealing

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


I'm upset
and my heart is beating so fast
but that's your fault, isn't it?

Monday, May 7, 2012

Without You

There's this feeling of loneliness without you here
just traipsed off
cut off from here, from me

But I suppose this is how it is
to miss a person
when you're cut off from them
and you shouldn't

How you feel without me
those days I can't be around

for me, any sort of mental connection is enough
to get me by

Irrational loneliness and missing you
abandoned at home
I'll just play the good daughter and clean up, then
Because I clean when I'm uneasy
and move and move and move


he's very defensive of me
very protective of me
it's sweet

Sunday, May 6, 2012

There is nothing amazing about me

I have no direction
can't express feelings well
can't feel things well
get upset easily at times
shut things up inside of me
am not intelligent enough
don't do well enough
give up too easily
too persistent

I lash out at others when I'm upset
don't accept help
turn you away
don't feel things right
say things right
don't don't don't
won't won't won't

I am a horrible procrastinator
I smile about it but it kills me
I kill me
i make such bad decisions
all the time
and i couldn't care less about some people
but others i hate hate hate it when they're upset i want to see them smile

wrong wrong wrong I'm all wrong
this isn't right
i'm not right
this direction isn't
I'm not

I need to do better
but I can't bring myself to do it
and so I fail

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Semester End

Honestly I can't deal with me
you can't deal with me
who would want to deal with me

the result is always displeasing to my eyes
there is no way of winning
no way no way
I'm such a handful
why would you even
take the time to
care at all

and because I'm upset and freaking out and obviously that isn't enough
I decide to open up old wounds
because that is how I deal with things
when things get bad, I make them worse
it is how i deal how i cope how i go

I wonder why that's so

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

It feels like
my heart is
suffocating me

suppressing my air

Monday, April 30, 2012

I hate it when you notice little things that matter to my heart and bother me
but I hate it more when you don't

say anything


I have the tendency to always say yes
and therein lies the problem

Sunday, April 22, 2012

My initial defense seems to be sarcastic cruelty.
I wonder when this happened.


Laying on white sheets makes me wary.

And I'm sure I fucked up something today.
And in the end I weave my own demise

Friday, April 20, 2012


I really like this. I mean, I really do.
But you know, with trust and jumping forward,
comes with risks.
I don't want to just be a conquest I want to be something more I don't want to be forgotten broken abandoned and won't that happen if i go just a bit too fast I mean I don't know I don't want that to happen I feel like i should slow down but I don't particularly want to I just want to go go go spend more time with you be happy get closer closer closer interweave our hearts so tightly that you can't break one without breaking the other
I know I started this joke but really that was before and this is now and ugh.

Also. I sort of feel bad. About how excited I am about their little developments. Probably because they're still do uncertain. And I'm so set. I'm set in, and I'm not leaving. The more I tell you the more I become attached, the more I can't leave. I'll just grow more and more and more attached.

I like this.


I like the way you're gentle with me
I like all the nice things you say to me
I like how clingy you are
I like how slow you go
I like how you test the waters before venturing further
I like being with you
I like being close to you
I like you.


All of this is so new
so odd
but so nice
And there are all these feelings bubbling up inside me
but I'm not sure if I should share them
if you'd interpret it too oddly
yes yes yes yes yes
I don't want to lose this control that I have
though I don't know what it is that I do want
yes yes yes yes
there's only this humming in myself
a content feeling spreading all throughout
and a want want want
it's just so...pleasant. all of it.

But those questions you so desperately want answers to...
so do I.

What if I don't have all the answers? What then?

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The stress is crawling into my belly
and twisting my insides and heart
so uncomfortably

who'd want to deal with such a mess?

I'm prolly going to see you today
and you're prolly going to ignore the whole thing
and I'm going to be upset
(about it but oddly relieved)


My one and only meal of today. That's healthy, right?

Apparently when we talked and joked about spending food money on books,
we weren't kidding.

Morning Freakout

No one's texted me back. Woo.

Oh my god, please brain, stop that.


why are you so nice to me?
why why why

it's like i am trying to chase you away
what on earth is wrong with me


If you take every risk,
and most of them hurt you,
but some of them work out so nicely,
you'd gladly accept the pain
wouldn't you?


why does he like me why does he like me why why why why
what's so great about me?

Lingering Fear

You know,
there's this thing in my head
and it keeps coming back
it's always someone you know
someone close to you
someone you trust
but I try to ignore that
and remain optimistic
let the people around me brighten my day when they greet me so cheerfully
blindly trust, optimistic to the end
knowing it will be my downfall

I have a dream

I have a dream, a wish of sorts
that one day
I won't hide these little things everywhere
or that someone would find them on their own

and they'd comment on everything
just to show they read it
they care

and nothing would change
(hearts closer thoughts explained)


My mind flutters away
and again the feelings go away
until the answer
is yes

because why not?


Well you see the thing is this
I'm feeling these things
and you're saying these things
but they can't seem real
they just seem like a joke
(mostly because of that one time
where he said those things
and later I learned that it was all
just a kind of twisted sort of thing in his mind
using me for his own
not really
considering me
[it ended poorly]

Well you see the thing is this
I get sort of nervous with these sorts of things
and this odd sort of side of me pops out
which you seem to like too
and really if I think about it
I've been nothing but myself around you
which is good
I suppose

Well you see
I don't like that mean sort of side of me
so really I should just shut up
stop doing that

Well you see
the entire night it gradually became clearer to me
what exactly your intentions were
but his words echoed in my ears
wondering if really they were about me
yet finding no way they could be
does not compute
so now there's just these doubts in my mind
suppressing these things
that you are trying to

Really I just need to sort through these feelings
because right now I just can't

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I don't know what I want
but it's just endless circles in my mind
I get nervous and so
this odd side of me emerges
that seems so totally cool with it
while inside things are breakingbreaking

Friday, April 13, 2012


I don't suppose you quite understand just how hard it is to voice my fears and weaknesses like that
I don't suppose you know how much of a struggle it is to get those words out
things like "I'm afraid" or "this made me cry"
are impossibly hard for me to say

so treasure these words
and the insane amount of depth in them
that only I can perceive

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Don't make me feel alone or I'll cut myself off so I can't feel the pain (twinge of loneliness) so I'm truly alone ,after all isolation is better than being alone

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I Know

I know that I don't really belong here among all of these people
I don't really know all the rules of the games they're playing
I don't know what it is they are referring to
I know that they're just kind of tolerating me

Though I'm not quite sure why

What's so good about hanging out with me? Having me join the group?
Nothing. I just ruin things with my limits and restrictions, with my lack of knowledge and lack of attention.

Why even bother?

Saturday, March 31, 2012


Why did you bring me home? This is what has become of me. This is what I have become.

Why have you brought me home? Why? I could have been smiling right now.

I could have avoided these tears.

Friday, March 30, 2012

I'm upset.

I want to go to sleep and never wake up again.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

I feel so heavily prosecuted...

I had a bad dream last night about SPG. I got to see them live, they came to this park, but they wouldn't talk to me even when I said hello and they kept walking away and I couldn't get up enough courage to keep trying to talk to them so I ended up watching them get surrounded by other people and not pay any attention to me and I kept loosing them in crowds.
And now I wake up and it says that I've been banned from livestream chat and I'm a little baffled and upset

It's just making me curl up into that dream's reality
where else is there to go?

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Memories, Memories

They fill my head with every waking hour and I just want to live inside of them

I try to distract myself
but my mind returns to these memories with too much idle moments
like right before bed
when the time comes for my mind to rest and me to sleep

I can't forget, don't want to forget
don't want to let go
of this sweetness

I just want to lie here and live inside my memories
but that's no good, is it?

Friday, March 16, 2012

Faerie Crush

I was his faerie crush.

I have no more words. Just feelings. Loads of feelings.

And memory.

Monday, March 12, 2012


It's a small inch backward into someplace smaller, darker
When past memories dredge back up
Insecurities resurface
And the temptation to crawl back
up into that darkness
where all is safe
dark, alone

Sunday, March 11, 2012


I just want to disappear
to retract all of the words that come out of me
to erase all traces of me
in your life, in your mind, in your letters

I just want
to take it all away
so there's nothing left to worry about
nothing left to have no confidence in

Just nothing.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


I just haven't

I mean,
today was just

and yesterday

I can't



I'm sorry, okay? That what I thought was awesome wasn't good enough for you. I'm sorry. It looked dumb. I'm sorry that I cared about it. I'm sorry that it mattered to me. I'm sorry that I took it seriously when obviously no one else was taking anything seriously there. I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry that I'm not good enough. I'm sorry I said anything. I took it down. It never happened. It's gone.
As is my happiness.
And the tears won't stop.
For the second time today.
Fortunately I'm not sitting in the middle of class today. No one wants a student to start sobbing in the middle of their lecture. And I'm sorry that I mumble. I don't really want you to hear me. I don't have any confidence in my words. Or in myself.

It's better not to feel anything at all. To not care for anything at all. For nothing to matter to you. Because then you can't get hurt. Then you can't get utterly crushed. Then you won't backtrack. Recede. Lose that progress.
You'll move forward.
Unlike me.

Friday, March 2, 2012

I See

Don't think I can't see you crawling up into yourself, retreating as I know I often do.

I'm sorry. It's my fault, isn't it? I just haven't been trying hard enough lately. I'm just so tired. So wary. Of trying far too hard. Worrying far too much.

If you don’t cry it isn’t love

If you don’t cry then you just don’t feel it deep enough

Stephen Merrit

Thursday, March 1, 2012


You are the only one who I don't feel safe around. Yet you're the one I'm taking the most risks with. And it is unfathomable to me why you care so much.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Today surfaced the inevitable assumption that Sq & I are dating. Along with the inevitable denial and laughter at the prepousterousity of it all. That they don't quite understand. Misconstrue. Again.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Well it's not like I really matter. So.
Well it's not like anyone cares, so.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Empty Friendship

We both talk, but none really cares what the other is saying
It hurts each time I realize that
especially when I am trying
whereas you aren't.

I suppose nothing will come of this.
As you wish.
" Its only after we’ve lost everything, that we are free to do anything. "
Chuck Palahniuk


I swallow my anger
let it surface in soft bursts of steam
while all the while it's simmering
beneath my skin
the pressure rising
until, again, I need release
The red washing
down the bathtub
can't change the color of the sea
at all.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


You haven't the slightest idea how furious I am, or how much it has dampered my day every time you are in the room. And I can't admit to you why, because it's the little things that have gotten to me; the small, childish things. So kindly fuck off and leave me alone. Kthanks.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

"Are you nervous?"
"Please don't touch me."

Monday, February 20, 2012

What were your first impressions of me?
I thought you were a B.
A B? B-i?
No. B-e.
A b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l.
Pretty! (Even if I keep wanting to be like “Jace! Don’t smoke! Shadowhunters don’t smoke!”
Cassandra Clare

Saturday, February 18, 2012


I can feel the pressure slowly building. But I know that's just the way I am. Slowly simmering until eruption.

And I can tell that someday soon I will explode, and the truth will pour from my lips to whomever happens to be there at the time. It's happening little by little already. The day is coming, and I dread it so, yet eagerly anticipate it.

I don't want pity. I want help.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Most of the time the victim knows the attacker

A fact I know all too well.

It could be a co-worker, a classmate.

Which is why I'm so afraid all the time.
because I know.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Luke Peoples

I've always been a little afraid of Luke Peoples. Or perhaps it would be more accurate to say wary. He's just always been...too cool for me, I guess. I always felt inadequate around him. Like I wanted him to like me at least a little and kept failing to do so. Failing to really see him.


afraid afraid afraid afraid afraid
wary wary wary wary wary
but i won't admit it to you
the person in question
not at all
not ever


I feel like I can't talk to you
because I can't keep the conversation afloat
and you're always distracted or something
he's either busy or doesn't want to talk to you
my mind always believes the latter
because it doesn't think in positives
and then I start rambling
telling you too much
which worsens the feeling of I feel like I shouldn't talk to you
at all
none of this is helping the anxiety i feel when i talk to people online
afraid of my words not being good enough
of pushing them away
and even one minute pauses feel like forever
filling my mind with doubts
endless doubts

you don't understand

having a bit of trouble breathing
and my stomach is rebelling against food again
i wonder if it's a time limit or if it's a sweet content

either way i should avoid these things

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I should have just said no. I know what day it is. I know what they are to each other. I knew that I would be the uneasy third wheel in the back seat. I knew that.

So why did I go?

Because of promises, I guess.
Also because I was secretly afraid that he would leave me.
That I would walk out and no one would be there, no one would be there.
Just darkness.

It was kind of nice, though, I guess. I'm still a bit afraid of lots of things about him. Just little things. That I am trying to squelch.
But most of all I am afraid that one day this peace we've formed would have been a lie, that my initial fear was correct and I would go back to the terrified alone girl I was at the start of the year. Maybe worse than before.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The problem is not when you are moving

it's when you stop.

These are the dreams of the lonely
filled with such a yearning
during the waking hours spurned
yet still thriving on an empty heart

Thursday, February 9, 2012


I am afraid of you. Because you're new. Unknown. Male. It frightens me. And my first reaction is to trust, yet memories keep me flinching away. I remember the one time tings went wrong. Kindness misplaced. Horribly horribly misplaced.

So I'm sorry if I feel awkward sometimes / all the time.

My instinct is to push you away.
I almost passed out today. It was kind of scary. Alone, alone, with the darkness and diziness encroaching

Wednesday, February 8, 2012



Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I have realized somewhere along the way that I am a completely different brand of gamer than just guys in general. I don't play what they play, and they don't play what I play. Our hours and name of activity may be the same, but it's so so different. But that's okay. I'm used to doing this alone. Unshared.
^a reason why I was afraid to go to Neumont, even though it's SO PERFECT
and the poster on the wall t a u n t s m e

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Procrastinator

I am the worst kind of procrastinator.
I procrastinate so much that I just end up not doing it.
God, tumblr, stop it.

My Sherlock Train Of Thought

blogger.com => "I'd be lost without my blogger" => Sherlock => Reichenbach Fall => tearstearssobbingontheflooreverythingishorriblewhyseason3why

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


And the irony of its name is that its very foundation consists purely of lies

The silent kind.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

" I am not a dunce. I know about subtext. I watch Sherlock. :D "

Yes, Cassie, yes

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

It's really frightening, not being able to recognize faces from far away.

The world is blurring, and leaving me behind.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Love is love

Love is love is love is love

Why can't the world see that?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

And now

everything is saturated with poison
of the darkest brew


Looking at that group picture of smiles hurts.

And those streets, they remind me of my confession. My disregarded confession. Which I shrugged off and pretended wasn't a big deal. Though really, it was.
I don't want to go back.

Mental Addiction

One thing that is pretty much on my mind all the time are roleplays. Because things that I thoroughly enjoy I slowly rapidly become obsessed with, and until they are complete I cannot rid them from my mind. And roleplays are never-ending. There is always a possibility for more. And as much as I want to constantly bug people about replying to them (because they never do), I can't bring myself to do it.

Want to know why?

Because of those two.

Even though it had nothing to do with me, a fear has been formed with me that bugging people about replying will push them into the same corner and destroy our friendship like that one was destroyed. So I just sit there and anguish over the silence. Because that's all there is--silence. My creative side is drying up and I need that outlet, but that isn't happening and I can't bring myself to make that happen. And, you know, I feel a little silly about it all. I mean, we started together, all those years ago in middle school, and now I am the only one still clinging to it. Everyone else has moved on with their lives. And here I am, still dependent upon that addiction.

I still mean nothing to you

and I'm losing you

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Touchy Subject

She brought up wanting to ask me a question about a touchy subject. But without the question, my mind was left freedom to wander. And even more freedom was granted when she said to forget it. Still, my mind went through the usual places of discomfort. Lost friends. Ones that would bother me specifically. One that would bother her specifically, yet is constantly on my mind. And then those secrets of mine that are always lingering in the back of my mind, like a poisonous shadow, flickering back and forth, in and out of my attention. But mostly I try to forget that poisonous shadow from the past. Though the three things aren't exactly things I can hide from. They'll keep eating away at me for as long as I keep them inside...

Even with all this speculation, my answer is still the same. For her, I'd answer anything.

In My Dreams

I had a dream about Adam this morning. It was a kind of hazy nonsensical dream, that for once featured people I actually knew. Though the really crazy nonsensical ones always are the ones that have reality mixed into them. We came to a peace, though even my dreams don't quite know what to say. How to talk things out properly. Even though that's what I want. Like they say, when someone appears in your dreams, it's because you want something from them. And I want peace of mind. Calm.
And in the dream I had that. I had stopped caring about everything that lurked in the past. I just stopped caring. I even got into the car with him and Kristin, though the annoyance for her was still there. Let him drive me to the bridge where she was waiting. You know, Bela. Though that didn't go quite right, either...the other dream with her, long ago, this feeling, didn't make much sense either. A Russian brother in a house and spiders and kidnapping...a nonsensical blur. But without that irritated emotion following her. The only irritated emotion with a person in this dream was with Kristin, but really, there isn't much hope for what it is I want.


Monday, January 9, 2012


I saw Adam today. Things were cheerful. I wish I could have talked to him. Like, really talked to him. But that's perhaps for another day.