If you want to hear me rambling...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

In My Dreams

I had a dream about Adam this morning. It was a kind of hazy nonsensical dream, that for once featured people I actually knew. Though the really crazy nonsensical ones always are the ones that have reality mixed into them. We came to a peace, though even my dreams don't quite know what to say. How to talk things out properly. Even though that's what I want. Like they say, when someone appears in your dreams, it's because you want something from them. And I want peace of mind. Calm.
And in the dream I had that. I had stopped caring about everything that lurked in the past. I just stopped caring. I even got into the car with him and Kristin, though the annoyance for her was still there. Let him drive me to the bridge where she was waiting. You know, Bela. Though that didn't go quite right, either...the other dream with her, long ago, this feeling, didn't make much sense either. A Russian brother in a house and spiders and kidnapping...a nonsensical blur. But without that irritated emotion following her. The only irritated emotion with a person in this dream was with Kristin, but really, there isn't much hope for what it is I want.


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