If you want to hear me rambling...

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Songs of Slashing, 1 2 3

To destroy:
  1. Never There - Cake
  2. Because Of You - Kelly Clarkson
  3. Freaking Me Out - Simple Plan
  4. According To You - Orianthi
Each song, each lyric, cut into me; emphasized my shortcomings and wrongdoings.

The month I was gone in Puerto Rico, failing to be with you, to be there for you, to be your supporting rock. Failing you repeatedly. Leaving you with so many doubts, so little solaces.

The night in the rain filled with mistakes; the trust I fear will never be right again. So many things I fear will never be right again.

I keep making mistakes, creating more and more doubts in your mind when all I want to do is make you happy. I'm being unfair; I'm being selfish. I'm not being nice to you in the slightest. I keep asking for selfish things and giving nothing of the like in return. I see no pleasure your pleasure. It doesn't make sense to me. None of this does. It feels all backwards. Weird. Odd. Strange.

I hate it when you're upset. About anything. Especially trivial things that don't matter or really seem the way you say they are. I hate it when you argue with your brother. In that harsh there is no other way or answer sort of tone. Trying to make your point matter when really it doesn't; when the point should be ignored and brushed off.

I hate it when they argue.

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