If you want to hear me rambling...

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Well you see the thing is this
I'm feeling these things
and you're saying these things
but they can't seem real
they just seem like a joke
(mostly because of that one time
where he said those things
and later I learned that it was all
just a kind of twisted sort of thing in his mind
using me for his own
not really
considering me
[it ended poorly]

Well you see the thing is this
I get sort of nervous with these sorts of things
and this odd sort of side of me pops out
which you seem to like too
and really if I think about it
I've been nothing but myself around you
which is good
I suppose

Well you see
I don't like that mean sort of side of me
so really I should just shut up
stop doing that

Well you see
the entire night it gradually became clearer to me
what exactly your intentions were
but his words echoed in my ears
wondering if really they were about me
yet finding no way they could be
does not compute
so now there's just these doubts in my mind
suppressing these things
that you are trying to

Really I just need to sort through these feelings
because right now I just can't

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