If you want to hear me rambling...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Touchy Subject

She brought up wanting to ask me a question about a touchy subject. But without the question, my mind was left freedom to wander. And even more freedom was granted when she said to forget it. Still, my mind went through the usual places of discomfort. Lost friends. Ones that would bother me specifically. One that would bother her specifically, yet is constantly on my mind. And then those secrets of mine that are always lingering in the back of my mind, like a poisonous shadow, flickering back and forth, in and out of my attention. But mostly I try to forget that poisonous shadow from the past. Though the three things aren't exactly things I can hide from. They'll keep eating away at me for as long as I keep them inside...

Even with all this speculation, my answer is still the same. For her, I'd answer anything.

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