If you want to hear me rambling...

Sunday, May 6, 2012

There is nothing amazing about me

I have no direction
can't express feelings well
can't feel things well
get upset easily at times
shut things up inside of me
am not intelligent enough
don't do well enough
give up too easily
too persistent

I lash out at others when I'm upset
don't accept help
turn you away
don't feel things right
say things right
don't don't don't
won't won't won't

I am a horrible procrastinator
I smile about it but it kills me
I kill me
i make such bad decisions
all the time
and i couldn't care less about some people
but others i hate hate hate it when they're upset i want to see them smile

wrong wrong wrong I'm all wrong
this isn't right
i'm not right
this direction isn't
I'm not

I need to do better
but I can't bring myself to do it
and so I fail

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