If you want to hear me rambling...

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Sorry but I can't help but be hopeful about you, with the questions I dare not ask because I prefer to be left in the dark about these things. I just want to get as close as I can in the two months that we have left together. Less, really. And it's only once a week. But still.

I can't help but be hopeful,
but I don't let myself fantasize.
Those fantasies will only lead to despair
So, for now, I'll just let you hold me as we dance, my mind ungrippable

Until the despair and doubt comes, throwing everything elsewhere
she's better anyways
and would she want it? does she want it?
do they pick up the subtle hints I kind of drop in the tongue of mine that only they will understand?

Not that it matters

In the end, I will become but a memory
Paralyzed into inaction by fear

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