If you want to hear me rambling...

Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Pain

I must hide the pain that I find
deep and far away
where no one will ever find it again
yes, it is important
and it is indeed a part of me
but I don't want to see it again
I need it to be gone, be gone

yet I cannot let go


is it bad that when you asked me
how my week was going
I couldn't remember if it was generally going bad or good
so I checked here
to determine the correct, truthful answer
isn't it better this way?
to live in the now, forget the past?

there are some things one can never forget
things that haunt you day and night
linger at the edge of your thoughts, always
reminding you of the pain you once held so
in your chest
but you can't forget it, you can't make it go away
it's a survival instinct, to remember those painful things
so that they'll never happen again

never again.

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