If you want to hear me rambling...

Monday, April 30, 2012

I hate it when you notice little things that matter to my heart and bother me
but I hate it more when you don't

say anything


I have the tendency to always say yes
and therein lies the problem

Sunday, April 22, 2012

My initial defense seems to be sarcastic cruelty.
I wonder when this happened.


Laying on white sheets makes me wary.

And I'm sure I fucked up something today.
And in the end I weave my own demise

Friday, April 20, 2012


I really like this. I mean, I really do.
But you know, with trust and jumping forward,
comes with risks.
I don't want to just be a conquest I want to be something more I don't want to be forgotten broken abandoned and won't that happen if i go just a bit too fast I mean I don't know I don't want that to happen I feel like i should slow down but I don't particularly want to I just want to go go go spend more time with you be happy get closer closer closer interweave our hearts so tightly that you can't break one without breaking the other
I know I started this joke but really that was before and this is now and ugh.

Also. I sort of feel bad. About how excited I am about their little developments. Probably because they're still do uncertain. And I'm so set. I'm set in, and I'm not leaving. The more I tell you the more I become attached, the more I can't leave. I'll just grow more and more and more attached.

I like this.


I like the way you're gentle with me
I like all the nice things you say to me
I like how clingy you are
I like how slow you go
I like how you test the waters before venturing further
I like being with you
I like being close to you
I like you.


All of this is so new
so odd
but so nice
And there are all these feelings bubbling up inside me
but I'm not sure if I should share them
if you'd interpret it too oddly
yes yes yes yes yes
I don't want to lose this control that I have
though I don't know what it is that I do want
yes yes yes yes
there's only this humming in myself
a content feeling spreading all throughout
and a want want want
it's just so...pleasant. all of it.

But those questions you so desperately want answers to...
so do I.

What if I don't have all the answers? What then?

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The stress is crawling into my belly
and twisting my insides and heart
so uncomfortably

who'd want to deal with such a mess?

I'm prolly going to see you today
and you're prolly going to ignore the whole thing
and I'm going to be upset
(about it but oddly relieved)


My one and only meal of today. That's healthy, right?

Apparently when we talked and joked about spending food money on books,
we weren't kidding.

Morning Freakout

No one's texted me back. Woo.

Oh my god, please brain, stop that.


why are you so nice to me?
why why why

it's like i am trying to chase you away
what on earth is wrong with me


If you take every risk,
and most of them hurt you,
but some of them work out so nicely,
you'd gladly accept the pain
wouldn't you?


why does he like me why does he like me why why why why
what's so great about me?

Lingering Fear

You know,
there's this thing in my head
and it keeps coming back
it's always someone you know
someone close to you
someone you trust
but I try to ignore that
and remain optimistic
let the people around me brighten my day when they greet me so cheerfully
blindly trust, optimistic to the end
knowing it will be my downfall

I have a dream

I have a dream, a wish of sorts
that one day
I won't hide these little things everywhere
or that someone would find them on their own

and they'd comment on everything
just to show they read it
they care

and nothing would change
(hearts closer thoughts explained)


My mind flutters away
and again the feelings go away
until the answer
is yes

because why not?


Well you see the thing is this
I'm feeling these things
and you're saying these things
but they can't seem real
they just seem like a joke
(mostly because of that one time
where he said those things
and later I learned that it was all
just a kind of twisted sort of thing in his mind
using me for his own
not really
considering me
[it ended poorly]

Well you see the thing is this
I get sort of nervous with these sorts of things
and this odd sort of side of me pops out
which you seem to like too
and really if I think about it
I've been nothing but myself around you
which is good
I suppose

Well you see
I don't like that mean sort of side of me
so really I should just shut up
stop doing that

Well you see
the entire night it gradually became clearer to me
what exactly your intentions were
but his words echoed in my ears
wondering if really they were about me
yet finding no way they could be
does not compute
so now there's just these doubts in my mind
suppressing these things
that you are trying to

Really I just need to sort through these feelings
because right now I just can't

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I don't know what I want
but it's just endless circles in my mind
I get nervous and so
this odd side of me emerges
that seems so totally cool with it
while inside things are breakingbreaking

Friday, April 13, 2012


I don't suppose you quite understand just how hard it is to voice my fears and weaknesses like that
I don't suppose you know how much of a struggle it is to get those words out
things like "I'm afraid" or "this made me cry"
are impossibly hard for me to say

so treasure these words
and the insane amount of depth in them
that only I can perceive

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Don't make me feel alone or I'll cut myself off so I can't feel the pain (twinge of loneliness) so I'm truly alone ,after all isolation is better than being alone

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I Know

I know that I don't really belong here among all of these people
I don't really know all the rules of the games they're playing
I don't know what it is they are referring to
I know that they're just kind of tolerating me

Though I'm not quite sure why

What's so good about hanging out with me? Having me join the group?
Nothing. I just ruin things with my limits and restrictions, with my lack of knowledge and lack of attention.

Why even bother?