If you want to hear me rambling...

Monday, September 26, 2011


Why You Should Hate Me:
  1. I need love
  2. I talk to myself.
  3. When angered, I get remorselessly violent.
  4. I lash out at others when I'm in too much pain
  5. I linger over pain for far too long
  6. I don't trust other people, though occasionally I do too easily...this always turns out for the worst.
  7. I'm occasionally flakey...I will beat myself up over this later. Depending on the gravity of the situation, I'll regret it longer or shorter...your emotions decide this.
  8. I'm always late.

Why You Should Like Me
  1. I care.
  2. I have a passion for my hobbies; expressly, reading and writing.
  3. I will throw away dignity and social stance to sing and dance to a song I like. (conversely, I never feel comfortable dancing)
  4. I value truth.

Random Facts
  • I'm delicate in the heart, strong in the head
  • I force myself to get through difficult times without relying on others if I don't think help is necessary
  • I don't eat lunch during the weekdays. Expressly on Mondays and Wednesdays. Tuesdays and Thursdays I just skip an early meal.
  • I occasionally think I'm pretty.
  • My time spent alone is bringing out the parts of me the uncomfortable anxious part of me keeps suppressing...and it's leaking out into public. This is good..in a way.
  • I follow my whims.
  • I want to be elegant and flexible.

Please love me. Love me for me. Faults and all. Craziness and abnormality. Everything.

God, I'll never make a single friend.

I'm working on finding myself. Let's see where this goes from here.

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