If you want to hear me rambling...

Saturday, July 2, 2011

I'm Sorry

I'm sorry that I got comfortable around you
without the usual mask of reality upon my face, heart, and soul
after spending one month together

I'm sorry for believing you
when you said that you actually liked me
and that everyone else did too

I'm sorry for so easily falling into the façade
of being such close friends
and being there for each other

I'm sorry for not being like sheep
and acting like everyone else,
fawning over each and every move
of each and every person
and spicing up your life with sarcasm

I'm sorry that I wasn't entertaining enough

I'm sorry that I was under the delusion that we were all friends
that we were all having fun
that we were all enjoying ourselves

I'm sorry that the "real me"
wasn't good enough for you
didn't please you the right way
didn't make you smile every day like you wanted it to

I'm sorry to hear that
my fear has been confirmed;
you all secretly hated me
all along;
despite those reassuring words
my "bff" spouted out to me

It's nice to know
they were all lies.

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