If you want to hear me rambling...

Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Lost Friend

You know, usually, losing contact with someone is just something that I deal with. Sometimes it just happens. Due to circumstances, fate, or something more complex, I merely failed to keep in touch with someone. Be it a friend I made whilst on a trip, or an old friend lost to the years and miles.

But he keeps on bothering me.

I mean, we kind of really bonded. I actually told him details about my life, about my feelings, things that were bothering me. I don't know why, exactly...some people just slip into my heart. So easily. I could actually be myself around him. Unlike with everyone else there, whose hatred I am so terrified of...

And now his is added to the list.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Freaking Me Out

This addiction, rooted deep within my consciousness
brings jitters inside when removed so
I need it I need it I need it
it has such sway over me
though many times I refuse to acknowledge its power

Though I know
I can quit
like I have before
these are things I don't want to be rid of.

When you know you could text someone
when you know that contact is wanted
yet you cannot supply it
cannot give in to it
it's such a lonely feeling
of isolation

When you watch them using
something you cannot
it's such a lonely feeling
scratching at my insides
desire making me antsy
and yet
nothing changes

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Am I

Am I not allowed to
Am I not allowed to
Am I not allowed to

Sunday, July 3, 2011


When there are troubles on your chest,
it is always best
to express them
to those dear to you

and the silence is haunting

Saturday, July 2, 2011

I'm Sorry

I'm sorry that I got comfortable around you
without the usual mask of reality upon my face, heart, and soul
after spending one month together

I'm sorry for believing you
when you said that you actually liked me
and that everyone else did too

I'm sorry for so easily falling into the façade
of being such close friends
and being there for each other

I'm sorry for not being like sheep
and acting like everyone else,
fawning over each and every move
of each and every person
and spicing up your life with sarcasm

I'm sorry that I wasn't entertaining enough

I'm sorry that I was under the delusion that we were all friends
that we were all having fun
that we were all enjoying ourselves

I'm sorry that the "real me"
wasn't good enough for you
didn't please you the right way
didn't make you smile every day like you wanted it to

I'm sorry to hear that
my fear has been confirmed;
you all secretly hated me
all along;
despite those reassuring words
my "bff" spouted out to me

It's nice to know
they were all lies.


We want to be the exception
we want to be the special one, the only one
We want to be
the best we can be
the most of the most
living with what we're given to the best of our ability
rolling with the punches
taking each opportunity that presents itself
in order to move ourselves forward
into a better, brighter future.

Do you?

Am I annoying?
Do you hate me?
You do, don't you?
That's why your reply was so succinct. So short. So insufficient. It's because you don't really give a fuck about me, because you don't really care, because, really, underneath all that caring, you despise me.
That's why you didn't reply to me. That's why you stopped following me on Twitter. That's why you posted those words that keep carving into my heart that I refuse to allow to stop carving into me. Why didn't you cut all connections?


I am eating the poison of these words, again and again, just as you did, years ago

"No one really liked you. Grow up. You know? Something you should've done when you were my age."

Though I feel pathetic for letting this pain get to me
get to me it does
and it starts to tear into me from the inside out,
beginning at the center of my core, my heart,
burning its way out, slowly

Things are building up like the pressure of water against a dam
and I can't help but think
that everything happens for a reason
this rush of pain, all of it
it's happening for a reason.

Though I know not its course.

Fear, insecurity, foolishness
How could I have trusted them?
How could I have thought I meant anything to them?
When I confided my fears, the story of my life, to her,
what did I expect in return?
Why should she open up to me?
Why should she lean on me?
I deserve not to be leaned upon.

This time,
the breaking was done to me.
I broke nothing.

Why did I think they would understand my unspoken directions
my misdirected pleas?
I was becoming vicious, uncharacteristically so, because
something was wrong.
Could you not see that?

You labeled me as a troll,
though I wanted to be sweet,
bitterness is all that flowed.

I need to escape,
escape into reality.

Yet I cannot.

I am left here with nothing but my thoughts
my insecurities
and the burden of a secret on my chest,
eating away at me, in my reality

Are you out there?
Are you okay?

I'll never know.

Friday, July 1, 2011

You labeled me as troll
and so a troll I shall be