If you want to hear me rambling...

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Just Like You

I'm just like you
I'm scared too

of so many things
what if's and unanswered questions
people and actions

but you can't escape fear
you can only avoid it
for as long as possible
until you conquer it
(but we all know that that's impossible)

I sometimes wonder if they can see it
if they somehow just know
how afraid I am
how delicate I am
yet still, aloof
trying not to show how much I really care and notice
and thereby forming a mindset of my own
taking over the one inside

It's strange
different the theoretical me I conjure alone and so late at night
is from the real me, surrounded and interacting with people
or should I say, that that is the tangible me, the action side of me
as opposed to the theoretical
that doesn't seem to exist

consider the saying
"Actions speak louder than words"
then the me that ponders
does not exist

so then,
who am I?

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