If you want to hear me rambling...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


There is this common fear among humanity--the fear of being alone.

We're all terrified to end up completely and truly alone

we can't help the doubts and reservations that form naturally in our minds
the bad always sticks worse than the good
and we forget the good in people
remembering only the bad
only the time when we'd been betrayed or heartbroken
or left all alone

so we can't help mistrusting people
based on our only remembered events when trusting lead to pain
forgetting all the occasions when trusting paid off

we only seem to remember pain
the pain that shapes our bodies
shapes us

though the good is made so much better by the bitter
the bad
the painful

it's funny when you can go back, and see
what caused your sources of mistrust
when all along you'd thought something was wrong with you
(or, perhaps, this is your nature, and you're merely blaming it on bad memories)

I wonder why I like apples
I really shouldn't
maybe they're just completely unrelated
a different, separate schema, you could say

why, I wonder,
do I decide things with such great resolve
and then go back, go back, take them away in action?
is there a memory I can trace this to?
I can't find one
I think that, to an extent, I'm extremely greedy when it comes to pleasing myself
I always break my own promises
my own convictions
just to make that moment in life a little bit sweeter
(though the later time I sometimes regret)
and so goes the cycle
make a promise, break it, remorse, conviction to make another, repeat

..curiously enough, I can break so many promises to myself
yet none to others
if I ever broke a promise to a friend, it might crush me into little pieces on the inside
I'd be groveling for forgiveness
even when they'd already forgiven

this is why memories fade
so we can forget the things that hurt us
the things that we regret
the things we can't change, no matter what

I don't know why my brain is so wired
I should probably go to bed
this flux of emotion is

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