If you want to hear me rambling...

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Wish Right Now

I'm not one to complain much, for I don't want people to worry about me, but...

recently it seems my stomach has been rejecting food in general. Not on a large scale, mind you. I'm not throwing up or anything. It's just, after I get hungry and eat, after eating my stomach attacks me from the inside a little bit until it decides to settle down.
This is how I spent my Thanksgiving break. It started the Tuesday we were let out, during lunch, and hasn't really...let up over the past five days. I've also had off and on headaches and backaches, as well as a bit of insomnia. I keep waking up at 5am and then trying so so hard to fall back asleep. And I can't seem to get tired until after midnight, which is bad.

It seems I'm deteriorating.

How unfortunate.

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