If you want to hear me rambling...

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Imagine waking up to having a vast amount of information poured upon you, whether it be a deep question or a torrent of news from someone. Wouldn't that be so overwhelming that your head would start spinning?

Imagine that every day, you try your best to acknowledge others, who in turn barely acknowledge you back, then wake up one day to find them chatting it up with you in a way you remember from long ago.

Imagine coming to class and idly wondering where a classmate had gone, and assuming that they had dropped out, only to later find out that they were dead?

Imagine being the center of a struggle for attention between two friends, neither of which trusts the other. Imagine having to partake in two conversations at once.

Imagine walking through something you've abandoned and wishing you weren't there, for in your mind you can hear the snide remarks they are mentally making and the dark looks they are giving you for quitting before anything good actually begun. For not even giving them a chance.
But I did. I did give them a chance. And that chance crushed me.

Imagine standing outside in the cold with people you barely know, who are friends of your friends, wondering where your friends friends have gone.

Imagine sitting on a bench and talking to two dear friends, only to be pulled away and out of the cold as it is time for you to be gone.

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