If you want to hear me rambling...

Monday, January 26, 2009


I can't imagine how it must be for Heather-la.
I have a few classes without anyone and it is almost unbearable, if I didn't have pen and pencil. I wonder what my facial expression is like when I am writing about such things...
That hurt, Ms Kirk. "I know you all know everybody in here, so find a buddy and stop complaining." 
And thanks, Ms Mihealsick for putting me in a group with no one I wanted to be with. I don't know these girls. Was that the point? To get me to meet new people? I've been in their groups before. They don't accept me. People in general don't accept me.
Or perhaps it's me that doesn't accept them. It's my fault. 

Do I not fit in there or do I just refuse to fit in?
I suppose I'll just be perfectly silent and watch them talk about their lives I take no part in.

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