If you want to hear me rambling...

Friday, May 18, 2012

I'm sorry that we can't all be fucking sunshines and rainbows like you

so sorry

Thursday, May 17, 2012

I Hate People

You can't really have faith in people
and you just have to sit there and doubt them
really, it's required
otherwise you'll just be disappointed
and still you'll have those occasional leaps of faith
only to be disappointed yet again
in people you never want to see again

That trip you promised?
Those replacement cards you promised since you FUCKING RUINED MY DECK?

yeah. Thanks for not following through on your word. Thanks a fucking lot.
You don't realize this but
you're in all my dreams

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


I want to be wonderful
but terrible

Sunday, May 13, 2012


This should not
set me off
something so trivial
should not send me into a
hysterical sobbing mess

making me feel things
feel em strong

Saturday, May 12, 2012


It's what makes the world go round
and I have none of it
no way of obtaining more
just occasionally a bit of funds for food

it makes me feel powerless
because honestly there's nothing I can do
(but starve, really)

and, honestly
it still bothers me
that you didn't buy me a birthday present this year
at all.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

And the prospect of leaving
is all that more appealing

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


I'm upset
and my heart is beating so fast
but that's your fault, isn't it?

Monday, May 7, 2012

Without You

There's this feeling of loneliness without you here
just traipsed off
cut off from here, from me

But I suppose this is how it is
to miss a person
when you're cut off from them
and you shouldn't

How you feel without me
those days I can't be around

for me, any sort of mental connection is enough
to get me by

Irrational loneliness and missing you
abandoned at home
I'll just play the good daughter and clean up, then
Because I clean when I'm uneasy
and move and move and move


he's very defensive of me
very protective of me
it's sweet

Sunday, May 6, 2012

There is nothing amazing about me

I have no direction
can't express feelings well
can't feel things well
get upset easily at times
shut things up inside of me
am not intelligent enough
don't do well enough
give up too easily
too persistent

I lash out at others when I'm upset
don't accept help
turn you away
don't feel things right
say things right
don't don't don't
won't won't won't

I am a horrible procrastinator
I smile about it but it kills me
I kill me
i make such bad decisions
all the time
and i couldn't care less about some people
but others i hate hate hate it when they're upset i want to see them smile

wrong wrong wrong I'm all wrong
this isn't right
i'm not right
this direction isn't
I'm not

I need to do better
but I can't bring myself to do it
and so I fail

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Semester End

Honestly I can't deal with me
you can't deal with me
who would want to deal with me

the result is always displeasing to my eyes
there is no way of winning
no way no way
I'm such a handful
why would you even
take the time to
care at all

and because I'm upset and freaking out and obviously that isn't enough
I decide to open up old wounds
because that is how I deal with things
when things get bad, I make them worse
it is how i deal how i cope how i go

I wonder why that's so

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

It feels like
my heart is
suffocating me

suppressing my air