If you want to hear me rambling...

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Today surfaced the inevitable assumption that Sq & I are dating. Along with the inevitable denial and laughter at the prepousterousity of it all. That they don't quite understand. Misconstrue. Again.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Well it's not like I really matter. So.
Well it's not like anyone cares, so.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Empty Friendship

We both talk, but none really cares what the other is saying
It hurts each time I realize that
especially when I am trying
whereas you aren't.

I suppose nothing will come of this.
As you wish.
" Its only after we’ve lost everything, that we are free to do anything. "
Chuck Palahniuk


I swallow my anger
let it surface in soft bursts of steam
while all the while it's simmering
beneath my skin
the pressure rising
until, again, I need release
The red washing
down the bathtub
can't change the color of the sea
at all.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


You haven't the slightest idea how furious I am, or how much it has dampered my day every time you are in the room. And I can't admit to you why, because it's the little things that have gotten to me; the small, childish things. So kindly fuck off and leave me alone. Kthanks.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

"Are you nervous?"
"Please don't touch me."

Monday, February 20, 2012

What were your first impressions of me?
I thought you were a B.
A B? B-i?
No. B-e.
A b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l.
Pretty! (Even if I keep wanting to be like “Jace! Don’t smoke! Shadowhunters don’t smoke!”
Cassandra Clare

Saturday, February 18, 2012


I can feel the pressure slowly building. But I know that's just the way I am. Slowly simmering until eruption.

And I can tell that someday soon I will explode, and the truth will pour from my lips to whomever happens to be there at the time. It's happening little by little already. The day is coming, and I dread it so, yet eagerly anticipate it.

I don't want pity. I want help.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Most of the time the victim knows the attacker

A fact I know all too well.

It could be a co-worker, a classmate.

Which is why I'm so afraid all the time.
because I know.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Luke Peoples

I've always been a little afraid of Luke Peoples. Or perhaps it would be more accurate to say wary. He's just always been...too cool for me, I guess. I always felt inadequate around him. Like I wanted him to like me at least a little and kept failing to do so. Failing to really see him.


afraid afraid afraid afraid afraid
wary wary wary wary wary
but i won't admit it to you
the person in question
not at all
not ever


I feel like I can't talk to you
because I can't keep the conversation afloat
and you're always distracted or something
he's either busy or doesn't want to talk to you
my mind always believes the latter
because it doesn't think in positives
and then I start rambling
telling you too much
which worsens the feeling of I feel like I shouldn't talk to you
at all
none of this is helping the anxiety i feel when i talk to people online
afraid of my words not being good enough
of pushing them away
and even one minute pauses feel like forever
filling my mind with doubts
endless doubts

you don't understand

having a bit of trouble breathing
and my stomach is rebelling against food again
i wonder if it's a time limit or if it's a sweet content

either way i should avoid these things

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I should have just said no. I know what day it is. I know what they are to each other. I knew that I would be the uneasy third wheel in the back seat. I knew that.

So why did I go?

Because of promises, I guess.
Also because I was secretly afraid that he would leave me.
That I would walk out and no one would be there, no one would be there.
Just darkness.

It was kind of nice, though, I guess. I'm still a bit afraid of lots of things about him. Just little things. That I am trying to squelch.
But most of all I am afraid that one day this peace we've formed would have been a lie, that my initial fear was correct and I would go back to the terrified alone girl I was at the start of the year. Maybe worse than before.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The problem is not when you are moving

it's when you stop.

These are the dreams of the lonely
filled with such a yearning
during the waking hours spurned
yet still thriving on an empty heart

Thursday, February 9, 2012


I am afraid of you. Because you're new. Unknown. Male. It frightens me. And my first reaction is to trust, yet memories keep me flinching away. I remember the one time tings went wrong. Kindness misplaced. Horribly horribly misplaced.

So I'm sorry if I feel awkward sometimes / all the time.

My instinct is to push you away.
I almost passed out today. It was kind of scary. Alone, alone, with the darkness and diziness encroaching

Wednesday, February 8, 2012



Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I have realized somewhere along the way that I am a completely different brand of gamer than just guys in general. I don't play what they play, and they don't play what I play. Our hours and name of activity may be the same, but it's so so different. But that's okay. I'm used to doing this alone. Unshared.
^a reason why I was afraid to go to Neumont, even though it's SO PERFECT
and the poster on the wall t a u n t s m e