If you want to hear me rambling...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Lists, Lists, and more Lists

I've found myself making lots of lists, or at least, typing lots of things with colons in them.

the reason I got on the cpu: was gonna work on cpu programming hw
what I am doing: tumblr

things I should do: sleep
things I do instead: EVERYTHING ELSE

I don't clench my teeth when I sleep; rather, I do it when I am conscious, and completely unaware of it
then I transfer such energy to gnawing on my lip

things I cannot handle: social interactions, social interactions, social interactions

things I want: friends, happiness, love, a dream.

people that make me uncomfortable online: those that are there, but I can't bring myself to talk to/start up a conversation with them

what tags are:
  • stream of consciousness when referring to the picture in front of you
  • ways for people to find you
  • definitions
  • feelings
  • credits
  • organization tools
  • hidden messages you don't want to say out loud officially, but which must be said nonetheless


also: things I should do on my Mundane blog: quote books. endlessly.

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