If you want to hear me rambling...

Monday, August 22, 2011

Day One

Day one of college, and it's going pretty well. It was certainly a good idea to bring my laptop along, considering the large gaps in between my classes and all the free time I have, just lingering at school...
The first class was definitely the worst. I'm not saying I don't like the class, or that the people in that class aren't nice. Actually, the opposite is true. But, it being the first class on my first day of college ever, I was pretty nervous, anxious. It was unknown. So much unknown.
But really, things have been going pretty well since I got over that initial anxiety. I even spoke up in my english class...and kind of became the star "genius" student in there. Oh well. This isn't too bad. And, in every class I've sort of become friends with the people I sat next to..? I mean, we carried on a conversation and such...I think we have the potential to become great friends.

I love the diversity here. The freedom. There's such a range of people here, from people like me fresh out of high school to people who are married with kids and, my goodness, it's so amazing. And, the free snacks. Those are nice. It's like kindergarden, we said. In a way.

I ran into Andrew, Michayla, and Callie. It's nice to have friends to hang out with between classes...but they're all gone, now. Now all I can do is await the arrival of Megan from Northridge. Right now she's in Statistics...bah, I miss her, but at the same time, I am comfortable here. Content. Not that lonely.
Like those old comfortable days in Starbucks...

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