If you want to hear me rambling...

Thursday, April 30, 2009

I'd like a button...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Suck It In, Tune It Out

They have their own little world which we cannot penetrate. 
But I suppose we all have those. I try not to, though.
Mine are brief.
Mostly because I can't bring myself to trust people and open up...

God, I am such a loser.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Dance Strangely While Balancing Upon a Thin Cliff

I don't like either of you.

I wonder why.
And I wonder if I should turn to someone else.
And I wonder if I'll ever see my girlfriend again...

I hate uncles that take things away

Thursday, April 23, 2009


This guy just came by our house advertising roofing, and he had the sweetest British accent...
he was cute, too

aahhhh i want to hug hiimm!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Let Us Smile

Let us smile as the world slowly falls to pieces
Melting like burning candle wax...
Let us laugh as we all lose our faces
and can't smile anymore...
Let us fall to the ground
We can't handle the pressure
Nothing anymore...
Watch with eyes as they torment the people's lives
And not care about a thing...
Shouldn't we be helping?
Shouldn't we be crying?
Shouldn't we be screaming?
Yet we're not...
We shall smile as the innocent girls get their hearts torn out by demons
We shall laugh to see a life crushed again by reason
We shall watch as a mind is torn to pieces
And no one stops
to see
what everything has begun to be


We can't hide from the truth
from the smiles
from the tears
We can't hide from the lies
from the laughter
from our lives
Because that is what we are


The ones we should have loved
We want to stab want to stab
The ones who really do care
We can't bare we can't bare

Completely and totally

Nonfiction it's as Real as it Gets

Let's let this anger simmer.
I'll take it out on someone eventually.
But not you. Oh no, not you at all. You don't deserve this fury. Nor you.
Silly silly silly people.
Oh how I despise you.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Self Destruct Starts Now

I take it to be the sign of a happy person that they are constantly humming or singing all throughout the day.
So it isn't nice when you crush them and ask them to stop it.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Letting Go

I give up.

Yes, it all makes me horribly frustrated...so I give up.
I don't know why I swallowed my eyes
perhaps I'm blind

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Sick Sick Sick Like Silly Sammy Slick

I need more music. My resources are running out. I'm starting to tire of all my music, which can't be good, considering how many songs I have... 

Ah, yes. This will do. This will do nicely.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Wouldn't It Be Nice?

Perhaps this is too much of me.
Not saying enough, expecting so many other things.

Depending on unreliable things..
Censored things.
Silly things.

Perhaps I am just blind.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


As I fall to the ground, 
the world shattering like glass
I wonder what went wrong
And when it ever went right
I hear the screams of the ones I've lost
Lost forever, never to love again
I press my lips together
No good it will do if I scream, too
The sound is already overwhelming enough
Imagine this

The pressure is growing inside your head
It feels like everything is crushing itself
The little lies, little secrets
The hints, left untouched
Why don't you listen?
But then, who ever does?
If we did things might get better
But they might get worse

World spinning a bit too much
Turned at a sickening angle
As you slowly become unwound
The cold grabs at you with insubstantial hands
Pulling you down into its unbreakable grip
Who would fight?
When you can't see what you're fighting for
Just darkness, all around
Constantly pulling at your edges
Till there's nothing left

Imagine this.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Ponder Ponder

I wonder what people would do if they could feel the pain poured out into words and letters and inanimate objects.
What would they do?


Something I thought would never happen. 
I've been abandoned by my friends.

An angry outburst is due soon.
Following sadness comes anger.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

When do you flinch?

I detest group projects. Especially with this busy week. No one's available.

And so I see all that I have to do, I get frustrated, take it out on other people, and then they tell me to call them. Yes, call them. Call them now. And so I do. 
What do I find?
They're not home.
It was impossible anyways.
I wonder if they could hear the slow breakdown in my voice?
Probably not.
Then my nerves are all messed up, and I begin doing homework, only to realize I don't get a few problems. This frustrates me to no end, makes me despise myself, and I start crying frustrated tears. I want to scream and growl and claw and scratch, yet do nothing. 
The storm calms, and I continue my homework.
Then it's over.
It's all over.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009



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