If you want to hear me rambling...

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Unsquishy Marshmallow, Smashed

It seems life is getting less nice and more stressful...there are so many things I have to do, so many things that must be accomplished. And all I want to do is have fun.

I haven't been getting very much sleep lately
I haven't been enjoying my weekends lately
I feel disconnected with people lately. I don't feel like trying to be socially acceptable anymore. It's too much work to hold up that façade, too much work to do all of these things to make people like me. It's just not worth it. No one is going to like me. I'm too....creepy. Out there. Strange. Too nice. Not pretty enough.
And it doesn't really matter that they all either think I have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, which neither are true. Let people be people. They will always talk about things they know nothing about, make up stories to explain the situations apparent. Though none of the situations I exist in are apparently apparent. Or clear. At all. There's always a hidden second side to the story that no one can see, that we have to point out, hiding beneath the layers of perceptive reality.

I promised myself that when school started up again, I'd make this blog make more sense. But it's already too personal for that. Much too personal. I can't just stop this somewhat uncensored version of my emotions and perception of my reality.
Ah well. No one cares anyways.
All of my stalkers are gone.

My, isn't that frightful.

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