If you want to hear me rambling...

Monday, November 23, 2009

Cherry Lips or Cheery Lips?

Crocodiles sing in perfect harmony,
their jaws open
exposing perfectly sharp teeth and notes
Rising into the air as the song continues

The owl eternally watches this show
of a monster's sentimentality
with increasing interest
as the words morph into something kind

Glowing butterflies flutter in the dim moonlight
Just out of the reach
of the hungry mouths
of the crocodile

Song, based in the throat of a frog
singing deeply a soft tune
that holds up the harmonious voices
of the carnivorous crocodiles

Innocent birds had once landed
to watch and listen
comfortably on the shore of the lake
Now their feathers adorn
the throats of the reptiles

Snakes slither through the branches
of a nearby tree
While they cannot sing
they cannot object
to the mesmerizing tune
that captivates their dinner
leaves it helpless
and tastier than ever
The owl

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