If you want to hear me rambling...

Monday, April 28, 2014

First Attempt

I once tried to kill myself with a bottle of aspirin. But the bottle was too small and too old to hold enough to kill me. So I wept, and slept.

I try not to keep so much aspirin in my bedroom anymore. Just in case.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Old Scars

oh the old scars how they burn they burn

time may heal, but don't go reopening old wounds
it'll do you no good

I wonder

I wonder if you ever think about me anymore
and I wonder if you ever think about me when you're bored

does anyone miss me
does anyone remember me
does anyone recall good memories of me
are there any good memories of me?
was i a good friend? ever?

will you miss me when i'm gone