If you want to hear me rambling...

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

It's trapped in its heart like a cage, rattling, rattling.


I wish that I weren't so

I wish that I weren't so

I wish that I weren't so

poi son ous.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Today just seems to be a woozy day.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

I have

I have a headache and it's creeping
and it's creeping
into my skull
through the recesses of my hair
and it's creeping
and it's creeping
like a spider
like a snake
up through the veins
bringing nothing but poisonous pain
spreading, spreading
creeping creeping
upward upward
into the recesses of my brain

please, please
remove this pounding from my brain
please, please
ease this pain within my head

I have

I have a headache and it's creeping
and it's creeping
into my skull
through the recesses of my hair
and it's creeping
and it's creeping
like a spider
like a snake
up through the veins
bringing nothing but poisonous pain
spreading, spreading
creeping creeping
upward upward
into the recesses of my brain

please, please
remove this pounding from my brain
please, please
ease this pain within my head


Why do you all like me so much?
Can't you see the cruelty in my heart?
The dislike?
The distaste?

Stop trying to grasp at me
I don't want to be tied down by
my nice nature
I don't want to be tied down by

My goodness,
everything hurts.

Make it
s t o p .
Make it


Please excuse me while I
while I

go out partying

now is not the time to
not the time
to crawl into oneself


Thursday, May 26, 2011

It's not a mask--it never was.

I've always been happy around you
I've always been happy around people

I like people

It's Happening Again

I'm curling back up into myself
not wanting
not wanting

I'm not answering the phone when you call
I'm not answering the door when you arrive
I'm not committing to plans
I'm not I'm not not not

I'm cruel.
All these people, I'm letting them slip away from me
willing it to be so
yet occasionally giving into the pressure
saying a word
more out of boredom and common decency
than a sign that I care.

I wish they'd go away.
These nice people should get away from me
before it's too late.

Monday, May 23, 2011


My wish has been granted.

Jacob. Sebastian. Jacob. Sebastian.

Two Names

Two names keep racing through my head, alternating the spark of attention with each shift in moment
Jacob. Sebastian. Jacob. Sebastian.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Excuse me...

Please excuse me as I curl up into myself
the fear of reactions
becoming too much
until I can't
even speak

Though I am in Pain

Though I am in pain
I will sit up tall
I will smile at you
and laugh the night through

Though I am in pain
I will cover it up
I don't want to ruin
our time spent in fun

Though I am in pain
I will do my best
not to show it
not to wreck plans
I don't want my pain
to be the cause of sadness
so I'll just keep it hidden inside
and bear it, bear it,
a moment longer
until the fun is done
and I can bear it no longer

Saturday, May 21, 2011

I'm the elusive girl who doesn't give a fuck
At the question, she glanced at me for a second, mischief flashing in her eyes as her mouth curled into a mischevious smile. "I'm better now."

You Weren't There.

Where were you,
after the chaos had ended?
You should know
that the aftermath
is just as important
just as heart-wrecking
as the initial impact of destruction

You were by me
when the tears came
and my soul shattered apart

but you left
when things seemed to be clear
without even a goodbye

You disappeared
without a trace
leaving me feeling


Friday, May 20, 2011

Two Faced?

There is a difference
between perception
and reality

Remember that.

It isn't easy.

It's hard to be mean
when the niceness
is the instinct that oozes out first

It's hard to be nice
when your words
only remind me of the horridness
of your nature

It's hard to tell the truth
when lies are what naturally come out
I'm not saying the truth
which, really, is the same thing as lying

It's hard to lie
when your heart demands the truth
and curses deception
which you are clinging on to
with small hints
that don't mean anything to them

It's hard to tolerate you
when you keep
pushing my annoyance buttons
putting me closer, closer
to snapping in your face

Monday, Monday,
I promise to be truthful.

Let's hope.

I am

I am the girl
that you can call
at 2am
because something has gone wrong

I am the girl
who will listen to you
for an hour
to make sure you're okay
before hanging up

I am the girl
who cares so much
I just want to make you smile

I am the girl
who would do anything
for a friend.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I remember...

I remember those days when we were so eager,
we'd sit there for hours
and reply, reply, reply
for pages and pages and pages
oh the fun times we once had.

I don't have those anymore.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

You have perfect timing.

I was one step away from deleting everything.

Good thing I didn't, eh?

Saturday, May 14, 2011

You chose the Wrong Day.

You chose the wrong day to be pushing the limits of my impossibility.
You chose the wrong day to be touching the untouchable.

I'm sorry that I made you comfortable.
I'm sorry that I seemed okay with touch.
Because, really, I'm not.

You get too too comfortable.
Which makes me uncomfortable.
But, not knowing what else to do,
I do nothing.

And the fear is growing.
Is my untouchability
Can you not see
how afraid I am
of all of you?

The fear
that is growing

s e p a r a t i n g

I would
have been
with it
if that day
hadn't been
filled with
inconvenient red

and maybe it wouldn't have happened
if I would have spoken the words laid out in my mind
at the proper time

Stop it.
Stop getting closer.

The fear is carrying over.
Into my dreams.
There is a group of four, evenly balanced, with two girls and two girls. They have a leader with a solid head on his shoulders who is quite wise. This group is quite close, and live in a kind of a strange world filled with anything but mere humans. They all thirst for blood....or so it seems. The first boy is more open than the second, and a nice guy to be around. An...amiable guy, you might say. The second boy is quieter, and doesn't quite express his emotions properly all of the time, but always thinks about everything deeply, and always notices the details others can't. The first girl is an open, bubbly girl whom is girly and flowery. An overall likable girl, who cares deeply about those close to her (aka her group). The second girl is one that stands strong against any obstacle, and always hides each weakness; this secret is her strength that keeps her charging forward, powers bared.
One and one fall in love, and when blood is spilled and consumed, word spreads that it is the most delicious, which leads all the others in the establishment and around to a dash of chaos, trying to get a taste of this ambrosia. What they don't understand is that the key is mutual love.
They just don't get it.
Two and two are getting closer, mutual touch.
When their mentor asks two if he's in love with her, he looks deep in thought, like he's really considering the question, and then responds, "I'm not sure."
But they slowly grow closer and closer.
The group is always sleeping in near proximity, of the faerie tent that is kept together and up with magic and will (not collapsing..). Two and two get closer and closer, growing as people too. He seems to understand the fear she tries to hide, and protects her at all the right moments (in the tunnels where it is their job to eradicate the insect-like monsters lurking there, both big and small)
Things seem to be going well in general...
Then the day comes when they discover a body that had been dismembered by something..large. They contact their mentor right away, demanding backup. The giant monster comes, her fear overflows, and he protects her, until the moment when the rest of the group arrives, and they kill it together.
Later, later, something goes wrong. Having not established themselves, (not really and truly and clearly) after killing all of the monsters in the assigned area of the day, he suddenly is kissing her for the first time, getting closer closer until the fear wells up inside of her and she bubbles out, "W-what are you doing?" and pushes him away, saying, "I don't like--" but he's angry, misunderstanding her incomplete sentence, standing up and storming away, "I got it. I'm out." Her eyes widen and her breath becomes quick, "No, don't--" And, quick as a candle flame, he's gone, leaving her behind, alone in this place that she is terrified of. Alone with the monsters.
The fear is growing, consuming. And, worse yet, she can feel the massive monster approaching. She backs away into a wall, feeling it getting closer, closer; her breath becoming faster and faster as her fear grows. She has to kill it. Overcome her fear and kill it, or die herself. It's upon her, and she summons up everything inside of her--fire, blooming plants within its body, tearing it apart and burning it simultaneously. The power flows from her fingers.
It isn't a perfect kill (she did get hurt(damaged)), but it's dead. She did it. With her own hands. Yet the fear still remains.
It's not over yet.
Suddenly there's someone else, thirsty, upon her, pushing her against the wall, coaxing her still so he can have a taste of her blood. He wants to see if it is the fabled ambrosia everyone is searching for. He ignores her repeated denials of his request.
"See? I'm poison," she says, pricking her finger with her teeth and letting a drop fall onto his tongue.
Soon he's on the ground, spitting the drop out of his mouth and onto the ground, cursing.
It is the monster's doing, but he doesn't know that.
She's gone.

Returning to the faerie tent, everyone is already asleep. She is shivering, the remnants of fear still pumping through her veins. It won't go away--the memory, the trauma. Her bones shake like branches in the wind, yet no one stirs. She lies down and tries to fall asleep.
Only to have silent nightmares, ending with no one left there in the morning.
Lonely. Alone. Afraid. She needs to find him, explain. It wasn't a rejection of him, just the place. The terrifying place, where everything goes wrong. Another shudder runs through her body as she steps outside to find him.
And find him she does. "I need to talk to you." But he's already walking away, the angry pain of rejection in his voice and body language, "There's no need to talk, I understand everything." And then she knows, forgives him for leaving her alone. "You couldn't have known," she whispers softly. He couldn't have known what would happen. He couldn't have known the magnitude of her fear, just as she couldn't perceive the magnitude of his. The thing about fearing something, like someone you love so dearly hating you, is it's so easy to believe that it's true. Bad things are so easy to grab on to. To accept that you didn't deserve that ending.
But. But but but.
Alone. .Still.
She ends up at their mentor's place, her bones still shaking as memories fill her head. She misses his hugs, his comfort, his touch. Yet now she's just afraid. Afraid of touch. Afraid of being alone.
She ends up asleep in his lap, like a little girl falling asleep in her father's lap. Yet, yet, he can't lay a finger on her. Not if he doesn't want her to scream. Not that he knows the magnitude his touch will have on her...not yet.
He summons the boy. "You have something to settle with this girl, do you not?"
"No. There's nothing to settle. It's done. What's done is done."
"Fine then." And then he's been kicked out by magic, forbidden to enter once more. Unwanted jealousy coursed through his veins, feeding his anger. No one should get that close to his girl. No one. Yet...is she even his girl? Was she ever his?
Not that he has an exact will to reenter at that moment. Yet, it's all part of the plan.
Their mentor touches her arm, expecting a not-good reaction, but not as horrible as it ends up being.
She jerks out of her sleep and zips across the room, a scream escaping her lips as her eyes reel in the memory. No touch. Notouchnotouchnotouch. No. Nonono. Then she flees into the forest, where she feels safe, up among the trees. Alone. Yet, surrounded by green. Nice green.
She shudders, her bones clattering together unpleasantly. Something's gone all wrong with her. Wrongwrongwrong. Poison. She's poison.

Meanwhile, he's back to the catastrophic place from the day before, and discovers the undisposed body of the massive monster. As he disposes of it himself, a realization dawns on him. This is where he'd left her all alone the day before. Alone with the thing she was most terrified with. Not in a safe place, as he'd thought. Was that why she'd pushed him away? Could she feel the fear creeping in? And when she'd tried to talk to him earlier...she hadn't looked too good, had she?
He had to find her.
Back on the surface, as he was rushing to find her, a random guy stopped him with a comment, "Dude, did you know your girlfriend is poisonous?" Ugh. Another thing that had gone wrong while he'd been away. What had he done? This guy had tried to get to her...had got to her. Fury surged through his veins, resulting in a swift punch to the face before he continued in his quest to find her. He had to find her.
And so he did.
The nectar restored.
And then took flight. A butterfly (faerie), not a vampire like all the rest.


Don't don't don't touch
don't touch me
it frightens me
when you
get close

I don't care what day you say it is
it will send me off
the deep end


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Please, remember me with fondness.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

I Apologize for my Fear

I'm sorry
that I'm afraid
of people
