If you want to hear me rambling...

Monday, March 30, 2009

Very Squishy

I am sick and tired of being out of the loop.
Every loop through everything.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Friday the 13th

So yesterday wasn't as bad as it could have been.
It was actually pretty nice.

Upon examination of my back, I discovered a bruise or scrape near my spine. I can't tell which it is, or why it's there. It's either an internal injury or something that happened and I can't remember it.
Still hurts, though.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


This week hasn't been the best.
Let's count all of them, shall we?

Saturday - Elbow (left)
Sunday - Elbow (right)
Tuesday - Knee (right)
Thursday - Back (upper)

Eventually all of the pains dim, but it's quite a lot for one week... o/0

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Blinking Away Dust

It's interesting
I haven't felt like posting here in a while
Or there.
But my dad's been disconnecting the internet a lot lately. And doing so in such a way that I cannot get on the internet, but he can. Which gives me his loopholes.

And why does it matter, in the end?
We all want to do something like that.
Some more extreme than others.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Deepest Fear

Being annoying.
Everyone chasing me away.
"We don't like you. You're so annoying. Go away."

...the first step to overcoming one's fear is to admit to it...right?

Mesh on a Platter

So I've gotten closer to people.
I suppose this is what she's been doing.
You have to offer yourself to other people in order to want anything in return from them. Unbalanced things aren't what anyone wants.
I suppose it is fun, in a way

Monday, March 2, 2009


I've been listening to my iPod on random and found some songs I haven't heard in a while...

It's really sad that so many people have iPod touches that don't deserve them or use them to their full potential *coughcoughandrewcough* It makes me sad, and like I should save up my money and buy myself one...
but really, if I am going to spend so much money, I should just buy myself a laptop. Sure, it's a bit more expensive, but it also involves a lot of saving up over a large amount of time.